Formal Methods 101: Satisfiable Modulo Theories (SMT)
The Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problem is an extension to SAT problems in which the variables take on values beyond just Boolean-valued variables.
SMT solvers can be thought of as finding out if the predicate is satisfiable by utilizing a combination of SAT techniques and domain theory.
A Boolean-valued logic formula (predicate) does not just have to have Boolean-valued variables The variables may be of any type (ex. the set all real numbers, ℝ). If a predicate just contains Boolean-valued variables the satisfiability of the predicate is used just referred to as the SAT problem. If a predicate contains variables of different values (such as ℝ), this is usually referred to as an SMT problem.
Example 1:
Predicate: P = (Z ≥ X + Y) | Z, X, Y ∈ R
This predicate is satisfiable (SAT)
Z = 5.14, X = 2.15, Z = 0.54
P = (5.14 ≥2.15 + 0.54)
P = (5.14 ≥2.69)
Example 2:
Predicate: P = (Z ≥ X + Y) | Z, X, Y ∈ℝ
This predicate is unsatisfiable (not SAT)
Z = 0.00, X = 4.62, Z = -1.51
P = (0.00 ≥4.62 + -1.51)
P = (0.00 ≥3.11)
Solver Algorithms:
Bit Vectoring
Symbolic Execution
Bit Vectoring:
Bit Vectoring involves solving an SMT problem by converting the numerical predicate types (int, float, etc..) into a 32-bit (binary) representation and then running it through a SAT solver.
Predicate: P = (Z ≥ X + Y) | Z, X, Y ∈ ???
Bit vector:
Z = Z1Z2Z3Z4Z5Z6Z7Z8Z9Z10… (symbolic binary)
X = X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8X9X10… (symbolic binary)
Y = Y1Y2Y3Y4Y5Y6Y7Y8Y9Y10… (symbolic binary)
Predicate Conversation:
P = (( X1 ∨ Y1 ) ∧ ¬Z1) ∨ (( X2 ∨ Y2 ) ∧ ¬Z2) ∨ (( X3 ∨ Y3 ) ∧ ¬Z3) ∨ …)
Ex. SAT for X1 = 1, Y1 = 1, Z1 = 0
Ex. as a SAT Binary Solution
Z = 01010101010101… (binary)
X = 11010100101010… (binary)
Y = 11010101010101… (binary)
DPLL(T) mixes a combination of a DPLL SAT solver with a domain theory T to determine is the problem is satisfiable.
DPLL(T) works by first converting the SMT problem to a SAT problem, then replacing the Non-Boolean-valued variables with Boolean-valued variables. It then runs this expression through a classical DPLL SAT solver and checks the consistency of the solution with the domain theory T. That is, after a SAT solution is found, it looks to see if the non-Boolean-valued variable versions can agree that this is satisfiable.
DPLL(T), where T is Linear Integer Arithmetic (LIA)
Example: P = ((X + 1 ≥ 0) ∧”(X + Y ≥ 3)”∧¬(“X – Y ≥ ” 10))
Step 1: Convert expressions to Boolean variables
A = (X + 1 ≥ 0), B = (“X + Y ≥ 3), “C = ¬(“X – Y ≥ ” 10)
P =(A ∧”B”∧C)
Step 2: Run DPLL on P to find possible SAT.
1. A = TRUE
2. T = P \ A = (B ∧¬C)
3. B = TRUE
4. T \ B = (¬C)
5. ¬C = TRUE
6. SAT @ A = TRUE, B = TRUE, C = FALSE
Step 3: Use LIA to verify possible SAT
1. (X + 1 ≥ 0) → (X ≥ -1)
2. (“X + Y ≥ 3)”→ (X ≥ 3 – Y)
3. ¬(“X – Y ≥ ” 10) → (“X – Y ” <10) → (“X ” <10+Y)
4. (1.) X ≥ -1 → (assume) X = -3 → (substituted 1. into 2.) (-1 ≥ 3 – Y) → (reduce) (4 ≥ Y) → (assume) (4 = Y) (substitute 3. into 4.) (X < 10 + 4) →(reduce) (X < 14) → assume (X = 15)
5. Solution: X = 15, Y = 4, therefore P his is satisfiable!!
Note: If step three did not produce a SAT solution; you would backtrack just as in the traditional DPLL algorithm until either SAT is proven, or UNSAT is proven.
Examples of Domain Theories T:
Linear Integer Arithmetic (LIA)
Ex. Simplex algorithm, Criss-cross algorithm
Theory of Equality and Uninterpreted Functions (EUF)
Congruence closure algorithm
Theory of Linear Integer/Real Arithmetic
Simplex algorithm
Theory of Arrays
Theory of Bit Vectors
Theory of Inductive Datatypes (ID)
Theory of Non-Linear Integer Arithmetic (incomplete procedure)
Theory of Strings + Length constraints (incomplete procedure)
Quantified formulas (incomplete procedure)
You can also combine domain theories in your solver:
Generalized to N combinations:
Ex. DPLL(T1 + T2 + T3….TN)
Classifications of Domain Theories T Procedures:
An algorithm is sound if, anytime it returns an answer, that answer is true.
Note: Soundness is a weak guarantee. It does not promise that A will terminate.
An algorithm is complete if it guarantees to return a correct answer for any arbitrary input (or, if no answer exists, it guarantees to return failure).
Complete Decision Procedures (for Decidable Problems) OR Incomplete Procedures (For Undecidable Problems)
This relates to decidability/undecidability of problems. An undecidable problem is one in which it is provable that no algorithm can be constructed that will guarantee a correct ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to the class of problems. (Ex. Halting Problem is undecidable).