Formal Methods 101: First-Order Logic (FOL)
First-Order Logic extends Zero-Order Logic (or Propositional Logic) to include variables and quantifiers.
First-Order Logic operators are used to form expressions over variables. These expressions over variables are known as ‘predicates’. Predicates are Boolean-valued functions that return either TRUE or FALSE depending on the value assignments of their variables.
First-Order Logic is made of up Logical Symbols (Negations, Binary Connectives, and Quantifiers) and Non-Logical Symbols (Predicate Symbols).
Non-Logical Symbols:
Predicate Variable (symbol):
Ex. 1 – Predicate Variable (symbol) with a valence of 0: A
Ex. 2 – Predicate Variable (symbol) with a valence of 2: A(b,d)
A predicate variable is a Boolean-valued variable that may take on the value of TRUE (1) or FALSE (0). Therefore, the Predicate variable A may be either TRUE or FALSE.
A predicate may have N-arguments and is said to have valence (or arity, i.e. number of arguments) of between 0 and N; depending on the number of arguments. The argument values determine the whether the predicate variable evaluates to TRUE or FALSE.
Ex. Function: f(b,v)
This is in line with the standard definition of a function that is not required to return a Boolean value.
Logical Symbols:
Negation (NOT): ¬
Ex. Predicate: ¬A
This negation relation, means the negation (opposite) of the assigned Boolean-valued variable A is TRUE. (If A is assigned TRUE, the predicate expression ¬A evaluates to FALSE. If A is assigned FALSE, the predicate expression ¬A evaluates to TRUE
Conjunction (AND): ∧
Ex. Predicate: A ∧ B
This conjunction operator means the predicate is TRUE if and only if (iff) predicate variables A AND B are assigned the value of TRUE.
Disjunction (OR): ∨
Ex. Predicate: A ∨”B”
This conjunction operator means the predicate is TRUE if and only if (iff) predicate variables A OR B are assigned the value of TRUE.
Material Implication: →
Ex. Predicate: A→B
This material implication operator means if predicate variable A is TRUE, then predicate variable B is TRUE. (Note: it gives not information about what B is if A is not TRUE.)
Note: This predicate may be TRUE or FALSE depending on if it breaks the rules of the material implication operations.
Material Bijection: ↔
Ex. Predicate: A↔B
This material bijection operator means, if A is TRUE, then B is TRUE, and if B is TRUE, then A is TRUE, if A is FALSE, then B is FALSE, and if B is FALSE, then A is FALSE. (In other words the Boolean value for both A and B is never different.)
Note: This operator is equivalent to implication both ways; in other words (A→ B) ∧ (B ← A).
Note: This predicate may TRUE or FALSE depending on if it breaks the rules of the material bijection operations.
Order of operations for FOL:
¬ is evaluated first
∧ is evaluated next
∨ is evaluated next
∀ & ∃ quantifiers are evaluated next
→ is evaluated last (thus so is ↔)
Example FOL Predicate:
∀B∃A ( (C(x,y)∧¬D)→((A∧E(t,z))∨F) )
This is read for all B, there exist an A, such that, C and not D, implies A and E or F.
As seen, FOL is very expressive. This can be used to build extensive complex models of the domains of discourse.